From the Scottish Government – available in various languages Supporting documents – Welcome pack for New Scots – (
Free Ukrainian, Polish, And Russian Translations Of Trauma And PTSD Psychoeducational Resources.
The government have published a “welcome” guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK, with Ukrainian and Russian translations. It includes information about what your guests need to know in the first few days and about getting used to life in the UK, including how to access essential public services. You can read the welcome...
The government have published a factsheet that explains how Ukrainians can apply to the Homes for Ukraine scheme, with translations in Ukrainian and Russian. It includes advice on eligibility for the scheme, how to apply, and preparing to travel. You can read the factsheet here: ….Russian translation…. Как Украинцы могут податься на программу «Дом...
· Of course we have SRC’s advice helpline and you can ask for a Ukrainian interpreter 0808 196 7274 · I’ve seen you have Ukraine Advice Project UK but there is also specific to Scotland: o JustRight Scotland – Free, confidential legal advice to Ukrainians and their family from qualified legal advisors. o Ukraine Advice Scotland...
Including helpful bits and pieces for ukrainian children starting school in the UK. They are free to download if you register for an account. ….Russian translation….. Великолепные Ресурсы для изучения Английского для детей Перейдя по ссылке можете посмотреть полезную информацию для детей которые идут в школу Они бесплатные если вы зарегистрируете свой аккаунт ….Ukrainian...
The telephone translation service in use by DGRI includes Ukrainian and Russian No consent forms in Ukrainian or Russian as far as we know. …..Russian translation… DGRI и услуги переводчика, информационные буклеты на украинском/ русском языках Служба телефонного перевода, используемая DGRI, включает украинский и русский язык. Насколько нам известно, формы согласия на украинском или...
Ukrainian community: Information to support informed consent COVID-19 vaccine leaflets – available in Ukrainian & Russian … Russian translation… Украинское сообщество: информация в поддержку информированного согласия Ковид-19 вакцина , ссылка на русском и украинском языке …. Ukrainian translation… Українська громада: Інформація для підтримки інформованої згоди Листівки про вакцину проти COVID-19 – доступні українською та...
The NHS Scotland Services GuideUkrainians arriving in Scotland have the same entitlements to NHS care as Scotland residents, however individuals may not know how the NHS works. The NHS Scotland Services Guide has been created to explain the range of NHS services available, and information required on how to access these services: Access the...