
MOOL in the time of COVID

Hello, friends! Hope you are keeping safe and well. We are sure you will understand that, until further notice, MOOL has closed the Depot until further notice due to health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak. Although the work we do is vital, it’s important that we protect our volunteers and friends who come to...

Could you be a MOOL Trustee?

Pssst… Could you be a MOOL trustee? We’d love to have some help steering the Good Ship MOOL into its next adventures. We’ve achieved so much over the past five years but would really love to take things to the next level! Full details here.

Summer 2019 update

Check out our latest newsletter for news of new families arriving, the Eid celebration at our new home, the Dumfries YMCA on Lochside Road and much more. Click to download or use the button below:  Help us get the newsletter out: The more the merrier when it comes to MOOL, so if you have friends, family or links...

Ration Challenge Day 3

Amy writes: Day 3 reflection. I feel like utter crap, yesterday I felt so bad I didn’t update you all. I had a bad headache all day and just felt tired. Today’s the same the tiredness is really just to much I have no motivation to do anything. My brain is just not working...

Wee Eid on the Telly!

We’re going to be on the telly tonight! Just got this message from the lovely Greg Hoare ITV – who spent the full FOUR HOURS at the event: “ITV Border is going to be running a number of reports for Refugee Week from today. I’m told the report I filmed with you will be...

Ration Challenge

The lovely Amy from NEST has taken on the Ration Challenge this year to raise funds and awareness during Refugee Week. She’s kindly agreed to share experience as she navigates this process so we can relate a little to what those on the refugee road deal with daily. You can sponsor her via this...

Refugee Week 2019

Hello! We have a number of activities running as part of Refugee Week and we thought we might make some noise about them so you can join in the experiences. There’s something for all ages and abilities to engage with. SAFRA Packing: Calling all MOOL volunteers, next Friday (21st June) the clothes boxes will...

Nomination Time is here again!

It’s that time of year again! You know, if you can think of a local organisation, artist or volunteer that you’re particularly fond of 💅🏼 Nominate here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0w9msPA-c0q0Tvk8KX-vFWVPXKsAvJ9IjAoOwAdWHS9URVZZUEw1VzhNRFZEUDFROFdJMDJJSkdOUy4u